Parameters List

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Order as printed on the original "Enhancement Disk" manuals - use table headers to sort.

Game Parameter Code Comment Released with Verified Company / Publisher Year Loader ID
NOVALOADER NOVA General routine for novaloaders, identified by the distinctive title screen. Many older titles use novaload. MK3 Yes Datel 198x Novaload
SLOWLOADER NONE/SLOW Transfers standard loading single parters eg: home grown programs. Must have filenames. MK3 Yes Datel 198x CBM
GO FOR THE GOLD P001 MK3 Yes U.S. Gold 1986/1987 Go For The Gold (loader, really!) 5044 4883
KNIGHT GAMES P002 Two disk sides. MK3 No English Software 1986 Procass 649

6119 21218 23144 27273

HOT WHEELS P003 MK3 No U.S. Gold 1985 US Gold/Epyx 6085


WORLD GAMES (A) P005 Use this parameter if the program is recorded on one tape side. Two disk sides. MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Procass 5486
WORLD GAMES (B) P033 Use this parameter if the program is recorded over two tape sides. Two disk sides. MK3 No U.S. Gold (Kixx) 1988 Procass 1432
SKYFOX P006 FILE COPY CODE "NOVA". MK3 No Ariolasoft 1985 Novaload 4268
TRIVIAL PURSUIT P007 Do not configure memory before loading the main section or it will not load (Normal Reset). Transfer the files onto a separate disk side. Extra question blocks (young players etc) will load into the same master program. MK3 No Domark 198x Odeload 9827
SUMMER GAMES P009 Two separate programs of 4 events. The tape stops for a very short time before loading the opening ceremony. Zero the tape counter at this point. Freeze and save option screen. Rewind to zero and copy four files. Repeat process for second program on a separate disk. MK3 No U.S. Gold 1984 Jetload 1412
PUB GAMES P008 Two disk sides. MK3 No Alligata 1986 Mega-Save 385
THE WAY OF THE TIGER (A) P010 Use this parameter if the program is recorded on one tape side. Two disk sides. MK3 No Gremlin Graphics 1986 Procass 3154
THE WAY OF THE TIGER (B) P024 Use this parameter if the program is recorded on two tapes. Ensure tapes are inserted in correct order. Two disk sides. MK3 No Gremlin Graphics 1986 Procass 3154
SUPER CYCLE P011 MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 US Gold / Epyx 1094
THE MOVIE MONSTER GAME P012 One file is misnamed on some versions. Rename with OPEN15,8,15,"R:NY=MY" :CLOSE15. Possibly also rename "R:TI=VI". Two disk sides. MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Microload 8107
THAI BOXING P013 Zero tape counter when picture screen is displayed. Freeze at option screen. Rewind to zero before copying files. MK3 No Softek International (Micro Selection) 1987 Tequila Sunrise 4956
POWERPLAY - THE GAME OF THE GODS P014 MK3 No Arcana Software 1986 ESP Turbo 5232
SPELUNKER P016 FILE COPY CODE "NOVA". MK3 No Ariolasoft 1984 Novaload 4166
GAUNTLET P017 It was found that the program does not always operate reliably when parts are fastloaded and recommend that program is loaded via LOADER with fastload disabled. MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Procass 775
LEVIATHAN P018 The option "master program" is a reboot of the whole program. Switch off and reload to select this option. MK3 No Mastertronic Plus 1989 Procass Variant 6152
SUPER HUEY 2 P019 MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Procass 1235
ACE OF ACES P020 Zero tape counter at picture screen near start. Freeze at option screen. Rewind to zero before copying files. The file "ACE OF ACES" is not required and may be scratched. MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Procass 730
BOULDER DASH CONSTRUCTION KIT P021 FILE COPY CODE "SLOW ". Two separate programs. No parameter required for the construction side. Use parameter for game side. Note that a game file must be created as per manual before you can play a game. Both programs fit on one disk side. MK3 No Databyte 1986 Novaload V2 1525
FLASH GORDON P022 Freeze at "zero tape counter". MK3 No Mastertronic Added Dimension 1986 Freeload 2597
WIZARD P023 Zero tape counter at main option screen. Allow the program to load and run the demo squence. Freeze and copy at "press fire". Rewind to zero before copying files. Note that screen designer does not operate correctly. MK3 No Ariolasoft 1985 4167
GERMANY 1985 (WHEN SUPERPOWERS COLLIDE) P025 MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 Procass 15129
CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING P026 MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 US Gold / Epyx 2814
VIETNAM P030 FILE COPY CODE "SLOW". MK3 No U.S. Gold 1986 10118
MARBLE MADNESS P034 Two disk sides. MK3 No Ariolasoft 1986 Novaload 2946
DRAGON'S LAIR P031 MK4 No Software Projects 1986 Dragonload 398
DRAGON'S LAIR (LJ) P032 This is a special parameter which adds a "level jump" mode. When you die the next level will load. MK4 No Software Projects 1986 Dragonload 398
DRAGON'S LAIR 2 - ESCAPE FROM SINGE'S CASTLE P028 MK4 No Software Projects 1987 Dragonload 395
DRAGON'S LAIR 2 - ESCAPE FROM SINGE'S CASTLE (LJ) P029 This is a special parameter which adds a "level jump" mode. When you die the next level will load. MK4 No Software Projects 1987 Dragonload 395
INDOOR SPORTS NOVA Printed manual reads: Parameter is built into Action Replay so nothing will load from disk. One extra parts is exceptionally long and wont transfer with built in Nova Transfer. FILE COPY CODE "NOVA".
Multimenu 1.1 states: Use disk based filecopy rather than the built in one.
MK4 No Advance Software Promotions 1987 Novaload V2 7053
STARSHIP ANDROMEDA P101 FILE COPY CODE "NOVA". Two disk sides. MK4 No Ariolasoft 1986 Novaload V2 3107
BLOCKBUSTERS P102 FILE COPY CODE "NOVA". Just one extra file to copy. If you have difficulty obtaining a working copy, press RUN/RESTORE before freezing. MK4 No Domark (TV Games) 1988 Novaload V2 16162
KILLED UNTIL DEAD P105 Two disk sides. MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 4975
DECEPTOR P104 Freeze at musical title screen near the start of load. REWIND THE TAPE before copying the files. Note: Press F1 when you die, NOT fire. MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 1131
LAST NINJA (MK3/4) P108 Use this parameter if you have the MK 3, 4.0 or 4.1 cartridges. Two disk sides. Several freeze attempts may be necessary before you get a working copy. MK4 No Activision 1987 Cyberload 1226
LAST NINJA (PRO) P128 FILE COPY CODE "P108". Use this if you have the V4.2 Professional cartridge. MK4 No Activision 1987 Cyberload 1226
ROAD RUNNER P107 This parameter is updated from an earlier version which was faulty. Apologies for any frustration caused. (Note: The wiki wants that earlier version!) MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 1047
THREE MUSKETEERS P111 Two disk sides. Note that an early release of this tape has a bug (crash on level 3). MK4 No American Action AB 1987
PIRATES NOVA FILE COPY CODE "P112". Works with MK4 and later cartridges ONLY. MK4 No Microprose Software 1987 Novaload 2805
BLOOD ’N GUTS P115 Two disk sides. Includes play any level. MK4 No American Action AB 1987 Mega-Save 2809
HOWARD THE DUCK P116 FILE COPY CODE "NOVA". MK4 No Activision 1986 Novaload 6938
PACOS PETE P117 MK4 No U.S. Gold (Americana) 1987 Procass 4681
IMPLOSION P118 Freeze at "rewind tape" prompt. MK4 No Cascade Games Ltd 1987 Enigma 6056
KARATE CHAMP P119 MK4 No U.S. Gold (Americana) 1985 Procass 4680
KENNEDY APPROACH NOVA MK4 No U.S. Gold (Transatlantic Simulations) 1985 Novaload V2 1113
TAI-PAN P122 Includes save game to disk. MK4 No Ocean Software Ltd 1987 Freeload 3045
INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM P123 MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 2793
MASK P124 Freeze at "rewind to side 2" prompt. MK4 No Gremlin Graphics 1987 Procass 1712
CALIFORNIA GAMES P125 THREE disk sides. Freeze at "Epyx Presents". After transfer you can squeeze the program onto 2 disk sides by scratching file "0" from side 1 ( @S:0 ) then use the file copier to transfer file "6" from side 3 to side 1. IMPORTANT. You MUST have Fastload installed to load the extra parts from disk, as they are very long. Turn over and press space if the disk light flashes when you try to load an event. MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 758
LEADER BOARD WORLD CLASS P109 Treat this as four separate programs. Freeze main part and copy files for each tape side. Press FAST FORWARD on tape BEFORE loading from disk. Keep it down during play. MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 1379
LEADER BOARD EXECUTIVE EDITION P110 Don't configure memory or the program will not load. Keep FAST FORWARD down on tape during play. To switch courses press SHIFT/RUN or SHIFT/RETURN on the select player screen. During play you can return to select player screen by pressing "/". MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 1042
STREET SPORTS BASEBALL P126 Manual states "STAR" instead of "SPORTS" - check pending MK4 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 1090
TEST DRIVE P200 Freeze at car select screen. Copy remaining files on side 1 and all from side 2. At end of game reboot to change car. AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Cyberload Type 4 4498
STREET SPORTS BASKETBALL P201 Seems to work fine. Disregarding any manual notes. Freeze, copy, play. AR4+ Yes U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 5934
SKATE OR DIE P203 Zero counter at music title screen. Freeze at main screen. Rewind to zero before copying files. Two disk sides. AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Cbyerload Type 4 6744
PREDATOR P204 Two disk sides. Freeze at the "press any key to start new game" prompt. Transfer all files from tape side 2. AR4+ No Ocean (The Hit Squad) 1990 Wildload 1553
THE BIG KO P205 Boxercodes: CANVAS, LOONY, SYSTEM , WRLFC, SKILFUL, WEIRD, ARMPIT AR4+ No Tynesoft 1987 Pavloda 4509
APOLLO 18 P206 Two disk sides. Freeze at blue "Accolade presents" screen. Copy remainder of side 1 and all side 2. AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Cyberload Type 4 2815
PLATOON P207 CHECK Zwei Seiten. Kopieren Sie nur alle Files von Seite 2. Zum nächsten Level: a) Professional Cartridge: Gehen Sie in den Monitor und geben ein .G 02a7 (return). b) MK4.0 und 4.1: Gehen Sie in den Monitor und geben ein .A 02a7 (return) *LOL*. Dann Monitor verlassen und ins Programm zurückkehren. Zu einem beliebigen Level: POKE 979, 64, 65 oder 66 für die Level 1,2 oder 3. Weiter wie oben.

Copy all files on side 2 only.
Change level (pro): press <m> for monitor and type .g 02a7 . MK3/4: In monitor type .a 02a7 (*LOL*) Any level POKE 979,64, 65, 66 then as above.

AR4+ No Ocean Software 1987 Freeload 4806
COMBAT SCHOOL P202 Copy files from side one only. When section 2 loads you stay on that section even if you die. . AR4+ No Ocean Software Ltd 1987 Freeload 2586
BANGKOK KNIGHTS P208 Two disk sides. AR4+ No Activision 1987 Cyberload 3551
MORPHEUS CHECK Keine Parameter. Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor: Freezen Sie SOFORT, wenn das Ladebild erscheint Professional - POKE205.144 Andere Versionen - POKE 48,144: POKE 104,5 Alle Versionen - POKE 57574,208: POKE 57575,254 Zurück ins Programm - es wird dort weiter geladen. Freezen Sie wieder, wenn nach dem Ladevorgang der Bildschirm schwarz wird. POKE 57574,76: POKE 57575,16. Dann Abspeichem. Beachten Sie, daß ein roter Bildschirm einen Ladefehier anzeigt. Es dauert einige Zeit, bis das Programm aufstartet, weil es erst entpackt werden muß.
NOT on Multimenu.
AR4+ No Rainbird 1988 Freeload 7327
DRUID II (ENLIGHTENMENT) No Parameter. Load with cartridge disabled. Removal of the cartridge protection is done by POKE 33842,162: POKE 33843,1: POKE 33844,234. Then you may backup and reload without trouble. Listed here due to Datel documentation. AR4+ Yes Firebird 1987 Firebird 10053
DEMON STALKERS P210 FILE COPY CODE "SLOW ". All files are on tape side 2. AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Bleepload 6770
PHM PEGASUS P211 FILE COPY CODE "P206". Freeze at "turn over tape" prompt. Transfer all files from tape side 2. AR4+ No Ocean Software 1987 Cyberload Type 4 1779
GAUNTLET II P212 Freeze on music title screen. Copy remaining files on side 1 and all side 2. You may also freeze at "rewind tape". AR4+ No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 997
CHUCK YEAGER'S ADVANCED FLIGHT TRAINER P213 FILE COPY CODE "P206". AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Cyberload Type 4 7762
MINI-PUTT P214 FILE COPY CODE "P206". Two disk sides. Transfer all files from tape side 2. AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1987 Cyberload Type 4 6994
THE TRAIN - ESCAPE TO NORMANDY P214 FILE COPY CODE "P206" AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1988 Cyberload Type 4 5396
WORLD TOUR GOLF P216 FILE COPY CODE "P206" AR4+ No Electronic Arts 1985 Cyberload Type 4 9578
ALIEN SYNDROME P300 AR5 No Softek International 1989 Softek 4948
THRUST II P301 Corrects corrupt screen. No files. AR5 No Firebird (Silver 199 Range) 1988 Cyberload Type 3 2326
IK+ P302 Corrects corrupt screen. No files. NOTE: "Corrects?" Previous version? AR5 No System 3 Software 1987 Procass 3496
IMPOSSIBLE MISSION II P303 Freeze on title screen (before main load). AR5 No U.S. Gold 1988 Procass 6057
TARGET TENEGADE P304 Dont config memory. On some systems you may need to remove the serial cable before the tape will load. If so, copy main part to tape, then reconnect your drive, load the tape copy, enter parameter then save to disk. Extra parts only load via cartridge. AR5 No ERBE Software 1988 Freeload 2981
FLYING SHARK P305 Freeze at "set counter to zero". AR5 No Firebird 1987 Bleepload 2222
DESOLATOR P306 AKA "Halls of Kyros". On music screen near start,zero tape counter. Freeze on "castle sketch" screen. Rewind to zero. Sprite killer (Sprite/Sprite) works. AR5 No U.S. Gold 1988 Procass 7162
DARK CASTLE P307 Freeze at "rewind to side 2". Copy all files on side 2. AR5 No MirrorSoft 1987 Cyberload Type 4 6058
ROAD BLASTERS P308 Freeze on main screen (after side 2 load). Extra parts only load via cartridge. Change level: on title screen. AR5 No U.S. Gold 198x Procass 1335
SALAMANDER P309 Zero counter when prompted but freeze at "press fire to load". Rewind tape. AR5 No Imagine 1988 Freeload 4214
HAWKEYE P310 Freeze immediately when the loading picture appears. POKE 51637,254:POKE 48,144 then restart. When music stops freeze and enter parameter. AR5 No Thalamus 1988 Cyberload Type 3 1694
BIONIC COMMANDO P311 Freeze on main screen but fully rewind tape before filecopy. Some files will be skipped during filecopy. AR5 No U.S. Gold 1987 Procass 2816
THE GAMES - THE WINTER EDITION P312 Six sides. Extra parts only load via cartridge. You can play events out of order but reboot to change between compete and practise. AR5 No U.S. Gold 1988 Procass 16226
4TH'N'INCHES P314 Just one extra file to copy. AR5 No U.S. Gold 1988 Procass 728
BEYOND THE FORBIDDEN FOREST P315 AR5 No U.S. Gold 198x Procass V2 1242
STREET FIGHTER P316 Zero counter at "pacific" title screen. Freeze at option screen. Rewind to zero before filecopy. AR5 No U.S. Gold (Kixx) 198x Procass 1405
VINDICATOR P317 Extra part load via cartridge only.

Change level (pro only) monitor .g0351.
Lives (pro only):
Level 2: POKE 38632,173: POKE 38657,173
Level 3: POKE 41893,173

AR5 No Imagine 1988 Freeload 4376
THE PRESIDENT IS MISSING P318 AR5 No Microprose Software 1988 Cyberload 2836
DALEY THOMPSON'S OLYMPIC CHALLENGE P319 Copy all files on side 2 only. Load with cartridge only. Do not configure memory. AR5 No U.S. Gold 1988 Procass 5496

The manuals additionally mention Beach Head II, Golf and Racing construction sets, Hardball, Infiltrator, Karateka, Koronis Rift, Law of the West, Silent Service, Summer Games II, The Eidolon and Winter Games as supported NOVALOAD titles.